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DBS Books

Exclusively for authors.

DBS offers editing, proofreading or help with publishing.

We deal with works of fiction, any genre and non-fiction. Maximum of 100,000 words.

So, if you need help with your novel or manuscript get in touch today.

We are fully committed to our clients and aim to provide the best service, which will help get your work published.

What we offer:

  • Manuscript assessment/ opening review

  • Editing/Proofreading

  • Publishing

Manuscript assessment

We will read through the entire manuscript then provide you with suggestions on areas that might need improvement. You will receive a report giving a detailed analysis of your work, this will include style, structure, pacing, plot and characters. Turn-around time is usually 4-6 weeks.

For an opening review we will read up to 25,000 words.

Editing/ Proofreading

Line editing.

This is our most detailed form of editing. We will go through your manuscript and check and eliminate spelling and grammar mistakes, typos, punctuation errors. We will also check for consistency and repetitions.

Copy editing

Suitable for those wishing to self-publish. We check for spelling/grammar mistakes, typos and punctuation errors.


Suitable for self-publishers. Simple check for spelling mistakes and punctuation errors.

eBook Conversion

We help self-publishers create error-free eBooks.

To reach your audience you have to convert your Word manuscript into another format .mobi or .epub. then make it available on Amazon, Apple, Smashwords etc.

If you have never done this before and find it difficult to get your head around, or are having trouble optimising your manuscript for kindle/eBook we can help with our eBook conversion service.

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How to submit your work

Use the contact form on the right to give us a brief description of your work, genre, how many words and what service you want us to provide. We will then email you an invoice and once payment is cleared you will receive an email requesting you to send your manuscript.

Manuscript guidelines

Please use Times New Roman, 12 point, number pages and double space lines.


Manuscript assessment

0 -25,000 words £320

25,001 - 45,000 words £390

45.001 - 65,000 words £440

65,001 - 75,000 words £485

75,001 - 85,000 words £520

85,001 - 95,000 words £575

95,001 - 100,000 words £630

Line editing

0 - 50,000 £235

50,001 - 100,000 £300

Copy editing

0 - 50,000 £195

50,001 - 100,000 £250

Proofread £150

Ebook conversion £185

Thanks for submitting!

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